Double Blind Study –

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Today we have two topics for our very special study. This study is made of endurance. Just how long can someone be deprived of comfort till they crack? How long can a person be defeated mentally, and physically before they could t accept. This”double blind research” will investigate these topics. Actually, the subjects of the study are so curious in finding out the answers to these questions which they have volunteered and come up with lots of the ideas for their torture.The study begins outside. We must wash our issues. We would not need a result. As soon as they are sufficiently wash and shivering we issue them into the first test. Fear. Can they endure the fear of having an enclosed bathtub as it slowly fills with water? The outcome is quite fascinating.Now we know the answer to this theory, we flip from water . Can they retain the heat of a fire fire? Can they tolerate the heat of fiery capsaicin in their most delicate female bits?Lastly, sexual service. Now that they have been broken down with cold water and hot flame, how can they fare at pleasing others?The only educational answers to these scientific questions and much more can be discovered within this movie archive of the start of a 26 hour evaluation of mental and physical endurance.

Date: December 26, 2018
Category: Humiliation

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