As Miss XI, a sexy and sadist, checks her phone, Miss XI sits on Miss XI’s lame, unproductive slaveaEUR(tm). What’s the problem with you? Your voice is too loud. It’s not right to be breathing. . She sip hot tea, and she wants to be relaxed. Miss XI loses herself in her thoughts until she decides that she is fed up with her slave’s frantic behavior and settles down by using a very hard scissor lock.
He is too busy with his legs to hear what she has to say. To add insult to injury, she repeatedly slaps the slave in his face. He struggles more as she sits down on his back again. He slides down and off of the bench to the ground this time. “XI does not miss a beat. She just slides down, wraps her arms around him again and then he falls off the bench. After the action ends, we see XI in the original position and the slave underneath her sleeve. He seems a little more settled this time so XI thinks that itaEUR ™,s the right time for some selfies.